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In no case may the information available on our website be considered as a recommendation or solicitation to buy any product, or as advisory, risk management or any other service offering. Any investment decision requires professional and customized advice. Information provided on this website is for personal and private use only. No document or information contained within this website may be (i) copied, photocopied, or duplicated in any form by any means, or (ii) redistributed without Probus Pleion Holding SA prior written consent.
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Data contained in this website is based on sources that Probus Pleion Holding SA believes to be reliable. However, Probus Pleion Holding SA does not warrant that any of such information and data is accurate or complete. Probus Pleion Holding SA may not be held responsible for any decision based on information herein contained, nor for its use by any party. The contents of the site are likely to be modified at any time without prior notice.
3. Performance and risk
The value of an investment may be subject to sudden and substantial losses. As returns on investments are variable, subject to inherent risks, and therefore not guaranteed, the investment vehicles herein presented may not be suitable for all investors. In case of doubt on the suitability of any investing herein presented, investors should seek advice from an adviser.
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The site is not meant to be accessed by retail clients of any kind. By accepting the terms above, the user expressly confirms that he/she qualifies as a professional investor under the current legislation in Luxembourg and the EU, or alternatively as a Qualified investor in Switzerland as defined in the Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) and in the Federal Ordinance on Collective Investment Schemes (CISO). Access to information contained within this site may be restricted or prohibited to certain investors by reason of nationality, domicile, residence or any other ground. Investors under such restriction should not access these pages. Persons domiciled in the USA or US nationals are not permitted to hold shares in any of the Probus funds and shares in any Probus fund may not be publicly sold, offered or issued to anyone residing in the USA or to US nationals.
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5. Common reporting standard (CRS) Important Notice
Following the introduction of the Common Reporting Standards by the OECD, please click here to understand how the Automatic Exchange of Information will impact Probus Group and its clients.
6. Data Privacy Policy Important Notice
Probus Pleion Holding SA recognizes the importance of keeping the personal data of its customers and other counter-parties confidential and protecting their privacy rights. As a consequence, Probus Pleion Holding SA has adopted a global privacy policy consistent with applicable standards.
Click here to read our Data Privacy Notice.